Zap Comix #1 Appears in the Haight Ashbury

(c) Robert Crumb

The emergence of Underground Comix in the late 1960s channeled the zeitgeist of resistance and created a new mode of expression that scoffed at all restrictions, moral authorities, and expected "normal" modes of behavior.

Robert Crumb turned his illustration talents and wild humor to the seamier side of reality, and he single-handedly churned out the first issue of the iconic ZAP COMIX.   Later, the pages of Zap would feature other greats in the Underground scene, such as Victor Moscoso, S. Clay Wilson,  Rick Griffin, Spain Rodriguez, and many others.

According to legend, the first issue of Zap, published by Bill Donohue's Apex Industries, was sold out of a baby carriage on the streets of Haight Ashbury, San Francisco.

See Rebel Visions, The Underground Comix Revolution, by Patrick Rosenkranz.  Fantagraphics (2003).
