Paris Police Crack Down on the Night of the Barricades

Unidentified provocateurs with molotov cocktails, May 11th. photo (c) Bruno Barbey

On Friday, 10 May, 1968 another huge crowd congregated on the Rive Gauche. When the Compagnies Républicaines de Sécurité again blocked them from crossing the river, the crowd again threw up barricades.  The police attacked the barricades at 2:15am on May 11th, after negotiations once again floundered. 

The confrontation, which produced hundreds of arrests and injuries, lasted until dawn. The events were broadcast on radio as they occurred and the aftermath was shown on television the following day. Allegations were made that the police had participated, through agents provocateurs, in the riots, by burning cars and throwing Molotov cocktails.

On Rue Gay Lussac in Paris on May 11, 1968.CreditFondation Gilles Caron, via Contact Press Images

The scene was reported in the following week's issue of Paris Match, # 996, 18th May.

