
Occupation of the President's Office at Columbia University

Hair, The Musical Opens on Broadway in New York

Before Punk There were Rockers

Dance to the Music Released by Sly and the Family Stone

Black Students Occupy Vice President's Office at Ohio State University

Richard Nixon Delivers "Bridges to Human Dignity" Speech

Black Student Protestors at Columbia Reject Compromise Letter from Dean

Columbia University Students Occupy Campus Buildings

International Conference on Human Rights Opens in Teheran

Rudi Dutschke is Shot in West Berlin

Spiro Agnew Criticizes Black Leaders of Baltimore

King Assassination Riots, the Holy Week Riots

Franklin High Students Expelled, Student Representatives Negotiate With Principal

Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Is Assassinated

La Chinoise Opens in New York City

Planet of the Apes Opens in Theatres

Baader and Gudrun Firebomb Stores in Frankfurt am Main

Muhammad Ali On the Cover of Esquire Magazine