
Tet Offensive reaches the US Embassy in Saigon

Hippies permitted to work for US Post Office

Police crack down on strikers turns into riot, Normandy, France

B-52 with Four Nuclear Bombs Crashes at Thule Greenland

Students Protest the US Aircraft Carrier Arrival at Sasebo Japan

New York Radical Women Join Anti-Vietnam Protest in Washington D.C.

Fidel Castro Offers Prisoners in Exchange for Che Guevara Remains

Martin Luther King, Jr. Addresses the Vietnam War and Promotes the Poor People's Campaign

Four Sailors Granted Asylum by Sweden in Protest Against Vietnam War

Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay, posthumous hit by Otis Redding

Disraeli Gears Begins a Year-Long Chart Busting Ascendency

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover Says Black Power is Communist Plot

Reformer Alexander Dubček Becomes First Secretary, Launching the Prague Spring of 1968

East Village Other V3 #5

The Realist #76 Published by Paul Krassner

Establishment of the Yippie Party